For Birth Givers IUI services are available within a 3-hr radius of Birmingham in hopes that most of the state of Alabama will have access to respectful, low-cost, trauma-informed fertility services. Travel fees apply after the first 60 miles.


Fertility and Insemination

This is for you if you are:

  • A single parent by choice with or without fertility challenges

  • A queer couple with or without access to known donor sperm or frozen samples from a bank

  • A hetero couple struggling with sub-fertility and want consult

  • An “older” parent, a transgender parent, a queer family, a non-traditional family, or anyone who needs more in the way of fertility and conception care than what you’ve experienced thus-far

Typically, a fertility partnership begins with a virtual consult to assess needs and desires, and if I can be of service, then we meet for an initial fertility visit to establish care, record health history, and discuss fertility charting and awareness. As you log daily hormone signs and rhythms specific to your body, we meet in a follow-up fashion monthly or as needed until a conception plan is made. Sterile but intimate IUI or ICI can be done safely in your own home or my home midwifery clinic.

“We are all yeses. We are worthy enough, we passed inspection, we survived the great fetal oocyte extinctions. In that sense, at least…we are meant to be.”

-Natalie Angier